Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yesterday's Check-up

I went to the doctor again yesterday for another check-up. I had to have another sonogram to measure the baby because I'm measuring small. We got good news that the baby is in the 43rd percentile, so a tiny bit smaller than average, but well within the range of normal! He weighs 1 lb, 12 oz. Also found out today that I do not have gestational diabetes. The Dr. was a little concerned that I might because I had a high amount of glucose in my blood last visit.

We got another profile picture of the baby, but were disappointed that we weren't able to get a 3D image. The baby had his hands in front of his face the whole time! They did find something that could possibly indicate an abnormality, so I'm scheduled to have another sonogram in 3 weeks. Maybe we'll get our picture then! I'm not freaked out at all about the possible abnormality. The doctor seemed to be very confident that it was probably nothing, so I'm not going to worry myself to death over the next three weeks.

Here's our latest picture:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just 16 Weeks To Go!

It has been a while since I last posted, mostly because very little has changed in the past few weeks... except for my belly, that is! I've posted an updated picture below. Otherwise, I'm at the best stage of pregnancy. I'm feeling great other than a few lower back aches and pains. I'll take that over nauseous and sleepy any day! My last doctor's check-up was a couple of weeks ago. He was concerned that I'm measuring small and not gaining enough weight, so I have to go in for another sonogram on March 31. At first I was concerned, but I started really packing it on right after that doctor's visit. The good news is that I will get to see another picture of the baby!

We have been "hard at work" picking things for the nursery and starting registries. I use quotes, because it's actually been a lot of fun. Seeing all of the adorable baby things make me really anxious for the big day, though. We have picked bedding that is a jungle animal theme. The colors are mostly green and brown. I fell in love with it because of the cute monkeys!