We had another Doctor's appointment this week. We got good news and not so good news. We learned that the echogenic bowel has disappeared (yea!!), but that a cyst has now appeared on his brain (boo!!). I am extremely relaxed about the latest abnormality as the last two disappeared within a few weeks. I hadn't created the blog yet when the first abnormality occurred so many of you may not know about it. At 8 weeks the Dr. discovered a cyst on the umbilical cord. It was gone by 10 weeks. I have another sonogram next Thursday to check it out again.
We were very busy this past weekend. My very good friend from high school, Brooke, was in town wedding dress shopping, so I went along to look at some of the dresses with her. She found a gorgeous dress and bridesmaid dresses (lucky for me!) My church friends threw us a baby shower on Sunday. They decorated so cute with monkeys! I was so blessed to have so many friends come bearing gifts and new mommy advice. Here's a few pictures from the shower. Also, we went to the pool this weekend, so my latest belly picture features swimwear!