Today I am 37 weeks and 4 days, meaning that I just have a little over 2 weeks until my due date! A combination of excitement to meet out baby and becoming more and more uncomfortable is making me ready to give birth beyond belief! I suppose it could happen any day now at this point, but I have a feeling that I will make it all the way to my due date of July 9th. My doctor will allow elective induction, so I'm thinking that I will decide to induce labor on or around my due date if I haven't gone into labor by then.
We had an ultrasound today to see the position of the baby, so we got a new picture. Also, the sonographer estimated that baby Porter weighs around 6 lbs, 6 oz. That means that he will be a little over 7 lbs when born. I'm very excited that he will be well within the range of normal, but on the small side! Here's today's picture... doesn't he look a little angry? I think he's ready to get out of there!