It is truly amazing how much babies develop in one month! Porter is becoming such a little ham! He loves to laugh and giggle and move around as much as possible. He is turning over onto his tummy very easily, but has trouble rolling over onto his back from his tummy. Probably because he hasn't had a whole lot of tummy time... he hates being on his tummy! He has started teething already, so he has had a few bad days lately, but the majority of the time he is a very happy baby. Here is a video of him having a good time in his "big boy bouncy chair." He's not quite big enough for it yet, but he already loves it.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sleeping Through the Night!
Porter is now 11 weeks old and he has come a long way since my last post. He seems to be over his tummy troubles and he has slept through the night 5 nights in a row! This mommy thing is getting so much easier all of a sudden! He has really started showing his personality, also. His bouncy seat is no longer just a place where I sit him while I take a 5 minute shower. It is now a center of entertainment that keeps him amused for a whole 20 minutes! He is mesmerized by the dangling toys and kicks with excitement when they wiggle, which sends them wiggling even more. Quite a genius invention, actually.

Today we went and had more pictures taken. My mom gave me a t-shirt that was mine when I was a baby. It says, "My daddy is a Texas Aggie." Check out this precious boy!

Friday, August 21, 2009
6 Week Update
Porter is now 6 weeks old! He has started smiling, however, he has not had much to smile about starting about 4 days ago. He started crying when nursing and getting very upset. It seemed like he was having problems with all parts of his poor little digestive system. I suspect he either has developed a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Long story short, I'm not completely sure what the problem is, but both milk based formula and breast milk makes him very sick and unhappy. I have started feeding him soy formula and have had good results so far. I'm still trying to keep my milk supply up just in case we can get to the bottom of this with the doctor next week and can resume nursing. Otherwise, he seems to be a healthy happy baby, and his little smile can melt his mommy and daddy's hearts! Here's a picture of that precious smile!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Newborn Photos
Porter got his pictures taken yesterday. After he was fed, he was a very good boy for the camera.

Not much has changed since my last post except that he is starting to hold gazes and look at faces more. I'm sure there are other subtle changes that we don't recognize because we see him everyday. All in all, things are still going very well!

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Bath Time!
God has truly blessed our family. Porter is such a good baby and in good health. We had our two week check-up yesterday. He now weighs 7 lbs, 8 oz, so he's gaining weight at a very good rate. So good that the pediatrician blessed our decision to start feeding one formula bottle per day and let him sleep up to 5 hours without waking him up at night. This should give me more flexibility and hopefully a little more sleep at night! He slept almost 5 hours last night, so I'm very encouraged (and rested)!

I took some precious pictures today of bath time. He looked so sweet!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Porter Is One Week Old!!
It has certainly been an eventful week! I was crazy to think that I could post on the same day that I delivered... ha ha! I could have posted sooner, but I came down with a nasty stomach virus after returning home from the hospital. It was awful being sick with a newborn, but I had wonderful help from my mom and Laramie.

The delivery went very smoothly. The induction really got me going and I was in active labor only for about 7 hours (I think... it's all a little fuzzy)! He was born at 2:44 pm on Wednesday, 7/8/09, and weighed 6 lbs, 14 oz, and measured 20.5 inches long.
Our first night home from the hospital was very hard, but he's been a perfect angel since. He really is a good baby! He fusses very little and sleeps and feeds very well.
Here is a link to some pictures of the delivery:
Here are some pictures taken this morning:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tomorrow is the day... Baby Porter will be born on 7/8/09! We are going into the hospital this evening at 8:00 for an induction, so unless something very unexpected happens, Porter will be born sometime tomorrow. Laramie will have his computer with him at the hospital, so hopefully I'll have a minute to post a picture sometime late tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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