Porter is now 11 weeks old and he has come a long way since my last post. He seems to be over his tummy troubles and he has slept through the night 5 nights in a row! This mommy thing is getting so much easier all of a sudden! He has really started showing his personality, also. His bouncy seat is no longer just a place where I sit him while I take a 5 minute shower. It is now a center of entertainment that keeps him amused for a whole 20 minutes! He is mesmerized by the dangling toys and kicks with excitement when they wiggle, which sends them wiggling even more. Quite a genius invention, actually.
Today we went and had more pictures taken. My mom gave me a t-shirt that was mine when I was a baby. It says, "My daddy is a Texas Aggie." Check out this precious boy!

I absolutely cannot WAIT to get my hands on that little guy! He's precious, precious! And I can't wait to see you and catch up!